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Day: 17 March 2015


With its practice, CCBI’s Grants & Tenders Department contributes to the provision of case studies and up-dates to CCBI’s trainings. The Department’s mission is to monitor and analyse EU policies and funding programmes, to draft EU project and tenders, to define international partnerships, to implement and report projects to the EU. Currently, CCBI is managing projects in the field of entrepre...
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The network of Alumnae and Alumni are willing to answer your queries concerning their experience at the International Master in European Studies. We are at your disposal to forward them your message: you can contact us via e-mail at info@europeanmaster.net or by telephone at +32 2 534 45 79.
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This Master provides students with a sound knowledge about European institutions and policies, EU funding programmes, and tools for European project and tender drafting and management. Students will also test and improve their communicative and interpersonal skills, which are key competencies for a Policy advisor and Project consultant, thanks to the work done in teams for European projects and te...
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