EU Institutions careers, professional profiles in EU Affairs, skills and competences to enter the Brussels job market: these are the main topics of the seminar “Your career in Brussels” promoted by the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce in many different cities in Europe.
Thanks to the long-established experience in training and EU consultancy in Brussels, the experts of the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce provide to the participants of the seminars with an overview of the emerging positions in EU Affairs, as well as useful tips and links to find the right job and to build a successful professional profile.
Poland will be the next country hosting the seminar on Monday 16th October 2017, from 6 pm, at the University of Warsaw, Institute of Specialist and Intercultural Communication, ul. Szturmowa 4, 02-678 Warszawa.
Participation is free but registration is required. Click here to register.
For the event leaflet, click here.
For more information: