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The Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce at the 2019 EU Industry Days


The 2019 Industry Days, last week, were an occasion to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the EYE programme. An incredible possibility for the Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce to participate and share its experience through the intervention of the Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Marco Iacuitto who is involved in the implementation of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, both at European and Global dimension. 

This programme supports exchanges between New Entrepreneurs (NEs), starting their own company, with Host Entrepreneurs (HEs), Founders or Co-Founders of SMEs. The two participants team up in a business collaboration thought for generating win-win partnerships. This gives fresh and new ideas to the Host Entrepreneur and a valuable and inspiring opportunity for the New Entrepreneur, supported financially by the EU. In this way, NEs manage to experience the obstacles and challenges of starting up and developing their businesses, gain the possibility to network and build international relationships and enhance the chances of a successful start for their own entrepreneurial careers.

The original EYE programme, which operates inside the borders of the European Union, has been implemented since 2009 and boasts around nine thousand exchanges and recount lot of success stories. The EYE Global pilot project, financed by the European Commission, has been implemented since 2018 and added to Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs three, very significant and active entrepreneurial hubs, such as Singapore, Israel and the United States of America (Pennsylvania and New York). In Singapore for example, this new project has already accomplished around twenty exchanges either complete, ongoing or in the preparation phase. This expansion elevates the Chamber to a global dimension and extends its borders worldwide; it permits to network and connect with entrepreneurs all over the world.

Mr. Iacuitto has been project manager for these programmes since the first implementation and he is responsible for the European Desk of the Chamber, alongside Ms. Vanessa Spadaro. During his intervention at the Industry Days, he explained the benefits of being an intermediary institution and shared the experience acquired in all these years.

The BICC has accumulated huge know-how in managing and implementing projects in the entrepreneurial, touristic and learning fields and in 2004 decided to share its knowledge with those interested in these topics.
That is how the IMES was created. A 3-month course tailored to those who would like to become the next generation of EU project managers. The International Master in European Studies provides the participants with all the necessary skills (drafting, coordinating and aging) for becoming an EU project manager, and delivers a tool for using advantageously EU funding programmes, according to the guidelines and rules set by the European Commission. Equally to the EYE programme, the IMES added value is its objective to put in contact people lacking experience and knowledge with highly qualified professionals and teachers breathing the EU reality every day.

Are you a new entrepreneur or want to become a successful project manager? Consider joining the EYE program or IMES, and learn from experienced, competent and accomplished personalities how to boost your professional career.
