With its practice, CCBI’s Grants & Tenders Department contributes to the provision of case studies and up-dates to CCBI’s trainings. The Department’s mission is to monitor and analyse EU policies and funding programmes, to draft EU project and tenders, to define international partnerships, to implement and report projects to the EU. Currently, CCBI is managing projects in the field of entrepreneurship, education, tourism, and cooperation and development; moreover, being a reference point for many Italian public and private organisations, it provides consultancy on project drafting and management for ERASMUS+, COSME, and DEVCO programmes.
Open-EYE project is a very good example of CCBI experience in drafting and managing EU grants. Since 2010 CCBI has managed and implemented the project, which is developed under the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. In 2017 Open-EYE consortium was selected once again as one of the top ranked drafted projects, with an overall rating of 88/100. It has been awarded for the quality of the proposal, the structure of the partnership and the feasibility of the measures. CCBI’s long-term experience in dealing with SMEs environment and with this specific project has been rewarded with an invitation from EU Commission and EASME to join a task force whose objective was to improve the quality and the implementation of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
Students will experience first-hand during the Master CCBI’s best practices in project drafting and implementation.